About our Technology
Protein Analysis Pretreatment
We extracts proteins from cultured cells and tissues, and digests proteins using enzymes (proteins are cut into peptides).
Measurement of Peptides
We measure peptides with a mass spectrometer while separating peptides by liquid chromatography. These peptides are ionized using a method called electrospray ionization method. Dr. John Fen, a developer of this technique, was awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Analysis of Protein
Based on the data taken with the mass spectrometer, proteins are identified using database analysis software such as Mascot and ProteinPilot. We use and develop various analytical tools to increase quantitative accuracy and obtain better analysis results. Furthermore, we perform western blotting and immunostaining etc. to verify the data.
Experimental Equipments

nanoLC-MS/MS System (TripleTOF 5600 (Sciex))
Mass spectrometer is connected to nano liquid chromatography (Dionex) and autosampler (PAL). The main devices of our research.

Puller - Microscope - Gold coating machine
This is a machine that pulls a glass capilary with an inner diameter of 75-100 um while applying heat and makes a sprayer tip. Then, it is coated with gold to increase conductivity.

Column loader
Insert C18 particles of about 3 um into a glass pipe with an inner diameter of 75-100 um to make a column for analysis.

Push-Pull local ventilation system
When using volatile liquid such as organic solvent, we work with ventilation.

This corresponds to three kinds of rotors. We use this in various experiments.

It is used for drying aqueous and organic liquids.

Fully automatic western system (Wes)
This is used for western blotting. All reactions of electrophoresis - transcript - primary antibody - secondary antibody - detection are completed within 3 hours.

Experimental bench in open laboratory
Experiments that do not use organic solvents are done in an open laboratory.

Workspace in open laboratory
There is a seat next to the experiment laboratory bench in the open lab, and we do computer work and write experiment notebook.

Culture room
Cultivate iPS cells and other cells. There is an incubator for culturing cells and a clean bench for handling cells under aseptic conditions.
Our Lab.